The cryptocurrency market in Poland and its institutional conditions
Main Article Content
Since its inception, the cryptocurrency, a lot of controversy and concerns related to the threats posed by trading in virtual currency has aroused. The sharp increase in the value of bitcoin in 2017 had an impact on a significant increase in the interest of investors, institutions and entities related to financial markets, which was not only related to the desire to get rich. Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market based on, it enable the development of technology, fast and safe capital flow and have many other applications that may lead to revolutionary changes and discoveries in the future. However, it should also be remembered that the virtual currency market creates conditions for broadly understood criminal and terrorist activities, which pose a threat to the functioning of the entire political and economic system. The key element to ensure full market efficiency and use of the entire range of development opportunities, while maintaining the security of the entities existing in it, is the creation of appropriate institutional conditions that build the market. They will make it possible to maintain a balance between the level of interference in the financial system related to the introduction of virtual currency regulations and the free development of the market and the opportunities it brings.
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