The Crisis of the Social Dialogue or the Crisis of Democracy? On the System of Hegemonic Party or Coalition

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Włodzimierz Pańków


The paper attempts to prove that the current, widespread crisis in social dialogue is only one of many features of the overall crisis of democratic structures, mechanisms and procedures visible in the countries of various democratic traditions and culture. The author claims that the overall crisis has been, on the one hand, produced by the supremacy of market mechanisms (which is the most significant effect of the 'third capitalist globalisation), but, on the other hand, may be seen as a result of numerous residuals of the former communist globalisation and their antidemocratic influence still present in the post-communist countries.

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How to Cite
Pańków, W. (2014). The Crisis of the Social Dialogue or the Crisis of Democracy? On the System of Hegemonic Party or Coalition. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 5(9), 69–80. Retrieved from


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