Constructing Relationships Between the Work and Private Life on the Basis of Narratives of Young Poles Experiencing Precariousness

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Magdalena Andrejczuk
Jacek Burski


At the centre of our interest is the construction of relationship between the work and the private life, based on empirical material from the PREWORK research project, devoted to the experiences of young Poles on the labour market. The main thesis of the paper is that within the context of the construction of relationships between the work and the private life of young Poles suffering from precarious situation, the sphere of work is dominating the sphere of private life. The private life, in turn, just as professional career, is subject to secondary precarisation. On the basis of selected empirical cases (autobiographical narrative interviews using the method developed by Fritz Schütze) we analyze the ways in which the relationships between the work and the private life are presented in biographical materials. We place main emphasis on relationships between those two spheres as part of deepening or mitigation of precariousness which is treated as a potential source of trajectory, in the sense given to the latter term by Fritz Schütze.

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How to Cite
Andrejczuk, M., & Burski, J. (2017). Constructing Relationships Between the Work and Private Life on the Basis of Narratives of Young Poles Experiencing Precariousness. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 8(15), 51–67. Retrieved from


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