From Industrial Democracy to Political Democracy in Poland: on The Rise and Fall of Solidarity

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Witold Morawski


The paper looks at the evolution of the institutions of industrial democracy, which would be changing from the Leninist-model into a substitute of political democracy, and subsequently into a central feature of the post-Communist and post-Solidarity order. The process contradicted the usual chain of events observed in the democratic world: as a rule, the institutions of political democracy define the boundaries for industrial democracy can, while in Poland the process went exactly into opposite direction. Following emergence of political democracy institutions, industrial democracy imploded. The paper also explores contexts of the aforementioned evolution: its historical-intellectual background and external factors such as collapse of Communism and subsequent developments. Finally, the paper deals with challenges brought about by the post-Communist transformation and then by the transformations generated mainly by the international context.

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Morawski, W. (2017). From Industrial Democracy to Political Democracy in Poland: on The Rise and Fall of Solidarity. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 8(16), 7–24. Retrieved from


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