Sociology of the Economy versus Economic Sociology

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Jacek Tittenbrun


Sociology of the economy and economic sociology both can be used as a name for specific subdisciplines of sociology. In this paper, by introducing theory of socioeconomic structuralism, I off er a solution that may reconcile the supporters of both competing concepts. I claim that fruitless competition may be avoided through demarcating respective areas of interest. Th e sociology of the economy could be defined as a sociological view of the economic structure, which could also cover the issues of interest socioeconomics, i.e. the impact of non-economic factors on economic phenomena and processes. Whereas economic sociology would deal with the impact of economic structures on non-economic spheres of social life. In this article, I will thoroughly examine two well-known concepts: Homans's theory of exchange and Becker's economic sociology and through their critical analysis I will define my proposals.

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How to Cite
Tittenbrun, J. (2010). Sociology of the Economy versus Economic Sociology. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 1(1), 165–185. Retrieved from


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