Who Speaks for Whom? Interest Representation for Non-Standard Employees

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Jan Czarzasty


The paper concentrates on the issues of interest representation for non-standard employees. The empirical findings from the European Union (EU) level are used as a frame of reference for analysis of the situation in Poland. Nonstandard employment is an ambiguous notion, so is, naturally, the concept of non-standard workers. In Poland nonstandard employment has been growing, mostly in a form of 'junk jobs'. Trade unions, and other institutional forms of collective interest representation, struggle to endorse problems faced by non-standard employees, with a moderate degree of success.

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How to Cite
Czarzasty, J. (2016). Who Speaks for Whom? Interest Representation for Non-Standard Employees. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 7(13), 105–120. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/wfes/article/view/530


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