Analysis of debt financing in Polish companies

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Adrian Filip Kamela


The aim of the research is to analyse various forms of debt financing used by Polish companies. Besides, issues related to corporate growth have been examined. The paper presents answers to the number of research questions and verifies the stated research hypotheses.
The conducted empirical research has confirmed to a great extent the findings of previous analyses presented in the examined literature. The relation between entity size and debt financing use has been proved. The bigger a company is, the more often debt is used, and the wider variety of debt forms the company reaches for. The connection between debt financing used for investment purposes and the stage of the company’s life cycle has been shown as well. Recently. debt (mainly investment loans) has been used more frequently, especially for investments. The statement that joint-stock companies have better access to debt financing than companies with other legal forms should also be supported. Consequently, these types of firms use debt more often and choose its more complex forms. Another relation indicated in the research is the positive connection between debt use and the improvement in the general financial situation of the company within the last 3 years.


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How to Cite
Kamela, A. F. . (2021). Analysis of debt financing in Polish companies. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (43), 21–37.


Compact publications
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