What characterises a good leader? A survey of organisational leaders in Poland
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The article attempts to define the characteristics of a contemporary manager that determine being a leader in the 21st-century organisation. The way to achieve the assumed goal of the research was to conduct an own study among the managers of organisations in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. 48 top managers in 48 organisations were examined, obtaining information from them on the work, characteristics, principles, and roles of the organisation leader.
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How to Cite
Mnich, J. ., & Walaszczyk, A. . (2022). What characterises a good leader? A survey of organisational leaders in Poland. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (45), 81–91. https://doi.org/10.33119/JMFS.2022.45.5
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33. Walaszczyk, A., Polak-Sopińska, A. (2020). The Role of Leadership in Organizations Managed in Conformity with ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer.
2. Amabile, T. M., Khaire, M. (2008). Creativity and the Role of the Leader. Harvard Bussiness Review. Retrieved from: https://hbr.org/2008/10/creativity-and-the-role-of-the-leader [acessed: 30.10.2019].
3. Atamańczuk, K. (2000). Jednostka, grupa, przywództwo w teorii i praktyce zarządzania. Olsztyn: Olsztyńska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania im. prof. T. Kotarbińskiego.
4. Avery, G. (2011). Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases. SAGE Publications Ltd.
5. Bauer, W., Hämmerle, M., Schlund, S., Vocke, C. (2015). Transforming to a Hyper-Connected Hypper-Connected Society and Economy – Towards an “Industry 4.0. Procedia Manuf., 3.
6. Bonilla, S. H., Silva, H. R. O., da Silva, M. T., Gonçalves, R. F., Sacomano, J. B. (2018). Industry 4.0 and Sustainability Implications: A Scenario-Based Analysis of the Impacts and Challenges. Sustainability, 10.
7. Brixner, C., Isaak, P., Mochi, S., Ozono, M., Suarez, D., Yoguel, G. (2020). Back to the future. Is industry 4.0 a new tecno-organizational paradigm? Implications for Latin American countries. Econ. Innov. New Technol.
8. Brabandt, N. (2016). Finding a Solusion to Leadership. The Development of an Effective and Sustainable Leadership Concept based on the Consideration of the Pioneers of Management and Leadership. London: NB Networks.
9. Brettel, M., Friederichsen, N., Keller, M., Rosen, M. (2014). How Virtualization, Decentralization and Network Building Change the Manufacturing Landscape: An Industry 4.0 Perspective. Int. J. Mech. Ind. Sci. Eng. 8.
10. Cambridge Dictionary (2020). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
11. Cole, G. A. (2004). Management. Theory and Practice. Sixth Edition. United Kingdom: Thomson Learning.
12. De Pree, M. (1989). Leadership is an Art. New York: Doubleday.
13. Drucker, P. F. (1974). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. USA: Harper&Row.
14. Dźwigoł, H. (2015). Menedżerowie przyszłości a zarządzanie strategiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, 70.
15. Evans, V., Dooley, J., Brown, H. (2013). Career Paths Management II. Student’s Book. Express Publishing.
16. García-Muiña, F. E., Medina-Salgado, M. S., Ferrari, A. M., Cucchi, M. (2020). Sustainability Transition in Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas. Sustainability, 12.
17. Goldsmith, M. (2007). Global Leadership: The Next Generation. Warszawa: MT Biznes.
18. Goleman, D. (1996). Emotional Intelligence. USA: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing.
19. Greenleaf, R. (1992). Servant leadership. USA: Paulist Press International.
20. Handy, C. (1998). The Hungry Spirit, Beyond Capitalism- A Quest for Purpose in the Modern World. USA: Arrow Books Ltd.
21. ISO 9001 (2015). Quality Management System.
22. Krames, J. A. (2002). The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership. London: Mc Graw.
23. Lachiewicz, S., Matejun, M. (2012). Ewolucja nauk o zarządzaniu. Warszawa Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer.
24. Ledeen, M. A. (2000). Machiavelli on Modern Leadership. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin.
25. Mnich, J., Wiśniewski, Z. (2019). Leader as an Effective Strategy Implementer in Public Higher Educations. Springer Link, AHFE, Advances in Social & Occupational Ergonomics.
26. Proctor-Thomson, S. (2013). Thinking differently about leadership: A critical history of the form and formation of leadership studies. PhD Thesis. Advisor: Professor Stephen Cummings. 27. Schermerhorn, J. R. (2003). Core Concepts of Management. USA: John Wiley&Sons.
28. Stankiewicz, M. J. (2013). Positive Management Managing of Key Areas of Positive Organisational Potential for Company Success. Toruń: “Dom Organizatora”.
29. Sydanmaanlakka, P. (2003). Intelligent Leadership and Leadership Competencies. Developing a Leadership Framework for Intelligent Organizations. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy). Retrieved from: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/80701048.pdf (accessed: 05.12.2019).
30. Steinmann, H., Schreyögg, G., Martan, L. (2000). Management. Grundlagen der Unternehmensfuhrung. Konzepte-Funktionen-Fallstudien, Lehrbuch ed. 4 revised and amended. Germany: Springer.
31. Ślusarczyk, B. (2018). Industry 4.0: are we ready? Polish Journal of Management Studies, 17 (1), pp. 232–248.
32. Tsai, R. (2011). Relationship between Organizational, Culture, Leadership Beahvior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11/98. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-11-98
33. Walaszczyk, A., Polak-Sopińska, A. (2020). The Role of Leadership in Organizations Managed in Conformity with ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer.