The problems with comparability among financial statements prepared within Polish entities under IFRS English

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Barbara Kawa


The aim of this paper is to analyse the comparability of headings included in the consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income prepared under IFRS.The study required the analysis of statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income patterns ensured by Polish accounting regulations as well as IFRS propositions in this field. Moreover, it covered the analysis of structure and content of IFRS consolidated statements of profit or lossand other comprehensive income prepared for the 2005–2019 period by Polish listed companies. The empirical study based on 477 consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensiveincome showed that Polish entities use national patterns in IFRS reporting. Moreover, the results indicate that some entities were using the terms proposed by IFRS only in some years.As the analysis showed, there are some factors that may diminish the comparability of financial statements prepared under IFRS. To protect users of financial statements from making wrong decisions based on the illusion of comparable IFRS statements, there is a further obligation for researchon how comparable IFRS financial statements really are. Bringing attention to comparability problems with IFRS financial statements may influence future regulators’ approach in setting standards. This can enhance the quality of financial statements.


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How to Cite
Kawa, B. . (2023). The problems with comparability among financial statements prepared within Polish entities under IFRS: English. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (47), 9–19.


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