Innovation management in apiaries in times of biodiversity crisis: evidence from Poland

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Agnieszka Kuś


Beekeepers are one of the professional groups actively striving to ensure the balance of the current ecosystem. Their work affects the maintenance of an adequate level of food security, thanks to the intensification of the measures taken to protect and increase the volume of honeybee colonies. The article undertakes the niche but critical issue of innovation of apiary farms. The adopted research approach allowed us to preliminarily identify beekeepers’ attitudes to innovation and the scale of implemented novelties in their farms in 2015–2020. Both the number and the scope of applied innovative solutions in Polish apiaries allow us, on the one hand, to be calm about their further expansion. On the other hand, the consequences of climate change, the uncontrolled influx of cheap honey of unknown origin, or the lack of direct financial support raise new challenges for the management of family beekeeping. Owners of Polish apiaries are far more likely to choose business process innovations than product innovations, which is related to the specifics of the process of obtaining bee products. Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive approach at the level of apiary management in order to make decisions related to current operations as well as those of an investment or preventive nature, taking the chosen direction and form of further expansion into account.


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Kuś, A. (2025). Innovation management in apiaries in times of biodiversity crisis: evidence from Poland. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (54), 45–71.


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