The Labour Market in Warsaw Problematic Areas of Praga: Structural Change, Bottom-Up Activities and Municipal Policies

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Katarzyna Sadowy


The paper presents the situation on the labour market in three Warsaw districts, Praga South (Praga Południe), North (Praga Północ) and Targówek, identified as problematic areas and included into the Integrated Revitalization Programme for the years 2014–2022. The data illustrating the structural change in this area presents the period from 2003 to 2015. The chosen years: 2003, 2010 and 2015 comprise the very specific moments in the city’s development – right before the accession to the European Union, the moment of decline after the 2008 crisis, and more recent data, marking the beginning of new programmes and municipal activities regarding the area. The main goal is to present structural change on these local labour markets, within the context of two emerging trends: development of the creative industries and public institution policies towards start-ups and traditional craftsmanship.


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How to Cite
Sadowy, K. (2019). The Labour Market in Warsaw Problematic Areas of Praga: Structural Change, Bottom-Up Activities and Municipal Policies. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (32), 53–70.


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