What Determines Entrepreneurial Orientation of Polish Internationalized Firms?

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Krzysztof Wach


This article focuses on entrepreneurial orientation during the internationalisation process of the firm, which is one of the main research streams within international entrepreneurship.
The main goal of the article is to discuss and elaborate on the basics of international entrepreneurial orientation, its fundamentals and principles and to answer the question what determines entrepreneurial orientation of Polish internationalized firms. The paper presents the results of the survey based on stratified random sampling of 355 Polish internationalized firms. Applying t statistics, the following results were observed. Firms having foreign branches or subsidies abroad are more entrepreneurial. Firms based on the local business domain are more entrepreneurial. High-tech firms are more entrepreneurial. High-growth firms are more entrepreneurial than firms which note traditional growth dynamics. Hyper-growth firms are more entrepreneurial than other firms, also than highgrowth companies. Innovative firms are more entrepreneurial. Strategically-orientated firms are more entrepreneurial. Firms cooperating in any networks are more entrepreneurial.


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How to Cite
Wach, K. (2019). What Determines Entrepreneurial Orientation of Polish Internationalized Firms?. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (30), 43–65. https://doi.org/10.33119/JMFS.2017.30.3


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