Deficyt demokracji w Unii Europejskiej a deficyt wdrażania polityki

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Sylwia Luc


One of objections addressed to the European Union is the so called democracy deficit. However, scientists are not unanimous regarding the scale of the deficit. They are also unsure whether the deficit really exists. This results from varied perception of this organisation, which is beyond traditional intergovernmental co-operation and does not meet requirements democratic states need to satisfy. Deficit of democracy is linked to deficit of policy implementation, and it stems from the times of the introduction of homogenious market, assuming, among others, creating equal conditions of competition for entities on the European market. Anti-market attitudes of governments were disclosed while deregulating and liberalising economies concurrently with increasing tensions in member states and low level of social approval for the measures taken within the Union. Despite numerous theories, research papers and discussions, so far it has been impossible to find any uncontroversial solution to the issue of democratic legitimacy and - resulting from it - deficit of policy implementation. The experience of the past years that proves that governments primarily represent interests of individual states, regardless of the extent to which they identify themselves with the ideas of the united Europe. Moreover, changes to the ways of integrating the EU policy prove the thesis that there is some turning towards the model of intergovernmental economic integration. (original abstract)

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