Uwarunkowania skłonności do palenia papierosów. Wyniki modelowania równań strukturalnych

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Krzysztof Czaderny


According to the age-period-cohort projection of lung cancer incidence (ICD-10 codes C33-C34), smoking prevention will be crucial for both men and women longevity. Lung cancer remains the main cancer cause of death among males in Poland. In 2014 the number of deaths in Poland caused by lung cancer among men was more than twice as high as for women. The study is focused on identification of attitudes influencing the propensity to smoke, which is performed by structural equation modelling (SEM) based on weighted least squares means and variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimation. Good fit of the presented models is demonstrated by RMSEA, NNFI and CFI values. Reliability of scales is assessed by ordinal alpha and ordinal theta coefficients.

Commitment to learning in childhood exhibits the highest standardized effect on propensity to smoke, which is an argument for youth smoking prevention. Structural equation model was estimated for men and women separately because of gender differences in smoking determinants. A strong character, individualism and self-reliance are the factors, which increase smoking propensity among males. These can be treated as features of masculinity and are not statistically important determinants of being a smoker for females. Depressive disorders, being a victim of violence as adults are statistically significant determinants of smoking among women.

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How to Cite
Czaderny, K. (2017). Uwarunkowania skłonności do palenia papierosów. Wyniki modelowania równań strukturalnych. Studia Demograficzne, (1(171), pp. 49–69. https://doi.org/10.33119/SD.2017.1.3
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