Uwarunkowania satysfakcji zawodowej starszych pracowników w Polsce

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Ewa Soja


The current study investigates the role of job satisfaction in the light of population ageing in European countries. By increasing employees’ job satisfaction it is possible to counteract the consequences of labor force ageing and shrinking. In this context, this study aims to indicate factors that differentiate the level of job satisfaction of older workers in Poland. It also seeks to identify determinants of the greatest job satisfaction or lack of thereof. The analyzed factors include job characteristics and individual characteristics of employees. The study is based on data for Poland from the SHARE project. The analysis employs probit and logit models. Job characteristics that were found to determine job satisfaction, include support, recognition, salary, and opportunity to develop new skills. The most important individual determinants comprise physical health and living arrangement. The determinants of the greatest job satisfaction, among job characteristics, include first and foremost support and opportunity to develop new skills. With respect to individual characteristics, the most important determinants involve living arrangement, sex, and physical health. Lack of job satisfaction is determined first and foremost by salary, and next by recognition, opportunity to develop new skills, and physical and mental health.

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How to Cite
Soja, E. (2015). Uwarunkowania satysfakcji zawodowej starszych pracowników w Polsce. Studia Demograficzne, (2(168), pp. 3–24. https://doi.org/10.33119/SD.2015.2.1
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