Determinanty sprawowania opieki nad starszymi rodzicami w Polscew świetle danych badania GGS-PL

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Anita Abramowska-Kmon


The main aim of the paper was to analyse determinants of care for elderly parents provided by adult children in Poland. The data were from the first wave of the Polish Generations and Gender Survey (GGS-PL) carried out in 2010 and 2011. The logistic regression model with the dependent binary variable describing the fact of providing care to elderly mother or father has been applied. The obtained results are mostly in line with those described in the literature on this topic. Generally the probability of giving care to elderly parents increases with respondent’s age. Women have higher chances of providing care to older mother or father than men do. Persons better educated (with secondary or higher level of education) are characterized by higher probability of caring for elderly parents. Parameters estimates for several variables such as place of residence, living arrangements, employment status and health status were statistically insignificant. As it would have been anticipated health status of a parent significantly increases the probability of providing care to a mother or a father. Moreover, the better the relationship between children and parents, the higher chances of taking care of older parents. In addition, the more respondents agreed with the opinion of responsibility of children for care for elderly parents, the higher the risk of providing an instrumental help by them was.

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How to Cite
Abramowska-Kmon, A. (2015). Determinanty sprawowania opieki nad starszymi rodzicami w Polscew świetle danych badania GGS-PL. Studia Demograficzne, (2(168), pp. 39–60.
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