Pomiar rektangularyzacji krzywej przeżycia – stan wiedzy i analiza wyników

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Agata Wnuk


This article is a result of a methodological literature review concerning the compression of mortality and rectangularization of the survival curve concepts. It aims to identify the current state of knowledge – key definitions, existing tools of measurement and analysis of empirical research conducted so far in Europe. The process of gathering and selecting scientific literature is precisely described so that one can easily understand the obtained knowledge synthesis and possibly improve further research. The first part of this paper includes definitions of the rectangularization of the survival curve, its dimensions, and related terminology. Then, 26 measures and indicators of the phenomenon, found in existing scientific literature, are described individually and gathered in a comparative table. Finally, the results of reviewing empirical research of 11 European countries are presented: Sweden, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, and Poland. The results are further discussed on the example of France. The analysis shows that some of the rectangularization measures are still rarely used empirically, some being only theoretically formulated. Moreover, these studies have small to none representation of some European countries. As a result of this literature review, new interesting paths for further research are formulated.

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How to Cite
Wnuk, A. . (2019). Pomiar rektangularyzacji krzywej przeżycia – stan wiedzy i analiza wyników. Studia Demograficzne, (1(175), 27–61. https://doi.org/10.33119/SD.2019.1.2
Original research papers & review papers


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