Uwagi o urodzeniach i niskiej dzietności w Polsce oraz polityce rodzinnej wspierającej prokreację

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Irena E. Kotowska


The below replacement fertility, persisting in many industrial countries, impacts the decrease in the population dynamics and consequently, the population decline. It also imposes the durable shifts in the age composition, which result in distorting relationships between subsequent generations (children, adults, old people). Therefore, fertility growth has become an increasingly highlighted goal of family policy. The article presents the situation in Poland in terms of changes in births and fertility on the one hand, and family policy reforms on the other hand. The attempt to evaluate whether family policy reforms implemented since 2008 might be considered as supportive for demographic renewal refers to numerous comparative studies on fertility effects of different policy measures. In the conclusion, a strong statement is formulated that to evaluate adequately the effects for demographic renewal from a longer time perspective, policy panel surveys on family relative behaviours and childbearing decisions are needed.

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How to Cite
Kotowska, I. E. (2020). Uwagi o urodzeniach i niskiej dzietności w Polsce oraz polityce rodzinnej wspierającej prokreację. Studia Demograficzne, (2(176), 11–29. https://doi.org/10.33119/SD.2019.2.1
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