Sezonowe wahania umieralności w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Zachodniej

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Barbara Cieślik
Ewa Marta Syczewska


The report concerns analysis of seasonal patterns of mortality for selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe, compared with France, Italy and Germany, based on monthly Eurostat data from 1999 to 2019. In the literature it is known that increase of mortality rates in winter is typical for the North Hemisphere. We show that there are similarities and differences in the pattern – both in the averages and volatility  – of this increase in particular countries. To this aim the ,  and  seasonality measures, known in the literature, were applied. The results are visualized in graphical and tabular form. In addition, significance of this seasonal variation is tested based on the regression with binary seasonal variables.

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How to Cite
Cieślik, B., & Syczewska, E. M. (2020). Sezonowe wahania umieralności w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Zachodniej. Studia Demograficzne, (2(178), 131–145.
Brief communications


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