Oszacowanie rzeczywistej liczby ludności gmin województwa mazowieckiego z wykorzystaniem danych ZUS
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The article presents the problem of lack of compliance with population registration requirements, in relation to the factual place of residence. This problem persists in Poland due to the reliance of official statistics on the data on current registrations, and also due to adoption of the legal, rather than factual definition of residence. To estimate the extent of this phenomenon for Mazovia voivodship, the data of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) are used, which enable a comparison of the addresses of permanent residence with the address for correspondence of the insured persons. Depending on the age group, the identified differences were quite high, especially for the most mobile ages (e.g. over 9% for people aged 27 years). Spatial concentration was also shown, especially with respect to underestimation of the true population of Warsaw and its suburban areas, and overestimation for peripheral regions. In many communes the problem of non-compliance with registration requirements concerns over 10% of the registered population. This limits the scope of demographic analyses, especially in the context of their practical applications and population projections.
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