Kapitał społeczny w Polsce w świetle Diagnozy Społecznej – pomiar i wyniki

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Dorota Węziak-Białowolska


The aim of the article is to present an approach to measuring social capital, and the results of its application in the context of contemporary Poland. Since the notion and the methods of measurement of social capital has not been defi nitely established yet, this paper tries to adapt the approach proposed by Van Oorschot, Arts and Gelissen (2006). Firstly, their conceptual model of social capital is discussed. Secondly, it is verifi ed whether the Social Diagnosis survey is a good source of indicators of social capital. Thirdly, the measurement models for various dimensions of social capital (networks, trust and norms) are discussed and estimated based on the Social Diagnosis data. Finally, on the basis of the estimates, changes in the dimensions of social capital between 2005 and 2009 are assessed.

It is worth underlining that the results obtained are the consequence of the choice of data source and the proposed approach to operationalisation. Nevertheless, the results show that the dimensions of social capital can be operationalised and quantifi ed following the modifi ed approach proposed by Van Oorschot, Arts and Gelissen (2006) and using data from the Social Diagnosis survey. They are justifi ed by the fi t statistics of models estimated for each wave separately as well as of the multigroup model (for all three waves together), expected sign of factor loadings and signifi cance of most indicators.

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How to Cite
Węziak-Białowolska, D. (2010). Kapitał społeczny w Polsce w świetle Diagnozy Społecznej – pomiar i wyniki. Studia Demograficzne, ((157-158), 79–101. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/SD/article/view/2586
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