Taksonomiczne zróżnicowanie struktur wieku ludności Polski w układzie miast i gmin w latach 1988–2002 na tle procesu starzenia się ludności

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Sławomir Kurek


The article's aim was to create a categorization of the spatial population age structure in Poland, by the application of the Ward taxonomy method, in the context of population aging. To measure the regional differentiation in the advancement of the population ageing process and its dynamics, the following rates were used: the old age rate (the share of persons aged 65 and over), ageing index ISD and dynamic ageing index WSD. Five-year population age groups were used to define the types of taxonomic structures, which were then aligned from oldest to youngest based on the ageing indexes.The analysis for urban and rural areas was carried out for the census years, 1988 and 2002, and of the dynamics for the period 1988-2002. The Central Statistical Office provided the source data. Eight types of population age structure were recognized, both in the static and dynamic approach, which were characterized by a high spatial concentration. A more advanced ageing process was defined in the rural regions of central and eastern Poland. However a higher dynamics of the ageing process was noted in cities and, north and western parts of Poland.

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How to Cite
Kurek, S. (2020). Taksonomiczne zróżnicowanie struktur wieku ludności Polski w układzie miast i gmin w latach 1988–2002 na tle procesu starzenia się ludności. Studia Demograficzne, (2(150), 78–95. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/SD/article/view/2617
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