Koniunktura w przemyśle przetwórczym

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Konrad Walczyk


Due to restrictions imposed on the economy in order to suppress the COVID-19 pandemic manufacturing activity collapsed. The decrease of both the industrial confidence indicator (ICI) and the survey balances recorded in March and April hit record high. In May the declining tendencies slowed down, and in June distinct recovery came up. Nevertheless, still the indicator and survey balances keep low levels, close to the ones recorded during the Great Recession and European debt crisis.The indicator declined by 10 pts in April. In May it increased by 8.9 pts, and another 10.6 pts in June. In total, compared to the March figure, ICI grew by 9.5 pts to the level of -19.3 pts, which is 15.3 pts down from the June, 2019 figure. Manufacturers expect business situation to improve over the next months.(original abstract)

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