Labour Market and Labour Relations in Poland. Part I

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Jacek Mecina


The evolution of modern labour relations is taking place in the environment of a changing labour market and high unemployment, accompanied by globalisation of the economy and a discussion about new forms of employment, including flexibility. New phenomena such as the end of domination of large production establishments and the development of small enterprises that operate mainly in the services sector as well as the application of new ICT solutions form the context for the discourse about the future of the labour law and the new features of labour relations. Various elements of a labour relationship are changing and these changes include the nature of the legal ties, the location and time for perfoming work, the way work is organised, with new elements such as flexibility of labour relations emerging. These changes stem out from the revision of important principles labour law, namely the certainty and stability of employment. The social dialogue is a key mechanism for supporting reforms on the labour market.

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How to Cite
Mecina, J. (2018). Labour Market and Labour Relations in Poland. Part I. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 9(18), 93–113. Retrieved from


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