Creating value in investments with the use of private equity funds

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Olga Mikołajczyk
Bartosz Owedyk


The influence of the private equity sector on the contemporary economy is quite significant. This is why the present paper attempts to examine mechanisms private equity investors apply in order to increase the value of their investments. The literature review has identified the most fundamen- tal elements of creating value on the basis of empirical, academic studies that verified hypotheses regarding the influence of particular mechanisms on the process of value creation in private equity investments. This paper is divided into five parts that describe the elements of the investment pro- cess, research into value creation, financial arbitration, as well as direct and indirect mechanisms of creating investment value. The paper is mainly based on the review of foreign-language literature.


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How to Cite
Mikołajczyk, O. ., & Owedyk, B. . (2020). Creating value in investments with the use of private equity funds. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (40), 9–20.


Compact publications
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Papers and studies
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