Professional Investment Standards in the Private Equity Sector: Selected Aspects

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Olga Mikołajczyk


Investments made by private equity funds must abide by the highest ethical standards as the framework within which their stakeholders operate is very much based on broadly understood trust. The paper discusses selected professional standards especially important for private equity transactions. It is based on the Professional Standards Handbook, a set of principles focusing on integrity and acting with fairness, keeping one’s promises, disclosing conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, and promoting best practices for the benefit of sustainable investment and value creation. We also address the ESG issues which – besides financial aspects – exert substantial impact upon sustainable development of the private equity market. Ethical standards have gained in importance especially with the adoption of the AIFM Directive designed to regulate the operations of alternative
investment funds.


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How to Cite
Mikołajczyk, O. (2019). Professional Investment Standards in the Private Equity Sector: Selected Aspects. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (30), 67–76.


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