How do they do it? On the mechanisms of setting coopetition strategy among cultural institutions

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Patrycja Juszczyk


Only few studies consider characterizing the coopetition formation stage, especially from the perspective of cultural institutions. A review of the literature, as well as observation of the functioning of cultural institutions in economic practice, allows us to notice the dichotomy of coopetition strategies, expressed in the simultaneous establishment of coopetition relationships by a given institution in both an emerging and intentional way. This article focuses on mechanisms of setting the intentional and emergent coopetition strategy on the example of cultural institutions (the coopetition strategy is considered here at the interorganizational level). Mechanisms are understood in this paper as causal pathways to the emergence of motivation to coopetition. The article is conceptual in nature and is based on a narrative approach to the literature review within strategic management. As its main contribution, this paper offers conceptualization of the mechanisms of setting the intentional and emergent coopetition strategy on the example of cultural institutions, which are examples of public and non-profit organizations.


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How to Cite
Juszczyk, P. (2024). How do they do it? On the mechanisms of setting coopetition strategy among cultural institutions. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (49).


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