Measuring tourist satisfaction with destination attributes

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Sanjoy Ghose
Maria Johann


This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of value creation process in the tourism market by examining the impact of tourism product attributes on tourist satisfaction and tourist behavioural intentions. The research was conducted with 463 tourists visiting Poland. The research results show that several tour attributes and experience attributes influence tourist satisfaction and their willingness to recommend the country to others; however, drivers of satisfaction and recommendations, although often similar, were not always the same. Tour package features such as organization, attractiveness of the programme, and tour escort have a positive impact on both tourist satisfaction and recommendations.
Moreover, some experience factors including tourist attractions – culture and monuments, and safety also have a positive impact on both tourist satisfaction and recommendations. Several
managerial implications are outlined on the basis of the research results.


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How to Cite
Ghose, S., & Johann, M. (2019). Measuring tourist satisfaction with destination attributes. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (34), 9–22.


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