Structural Analysis of Network Connections of Koleje Małopolskie sp. z o.o. as a Significant Element of the Management of the Transport Company
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Public transport is one of the most important elements of the economy and social space development in which it is located. Issues related to its proper organisation are very often the responsibility of transport companies, which must operate and carry out their activities within the principles of the economy, that is, the principles of managing a service company. An important element of an efficient and effective functioning of a transport company is the quality of the provided services. An element significantly affecting the quality of the services offered is, inter alia, an appropriately organised network of connections offered by the carrier. This network in an efficient and interference-resistant manner must facilitate transport in a given area. In the article, using the graph theory and the simulation method, the structure of network connections of a railway carrier operating in the Małopolska region (Koleje Małopolskie sp. z o.o.) in Poland was analysed. The aim of the analysis was to obtain information about the current condition and parameters of the network offered by the carrier. The
conducted analysis made it possible to assess the current state as well as within the conducted research and it proposed to modify the existing network of connections in order to improve its parameters. The carrier’s network is used, inter alia, to co-create public transport in the region, and the structure of the connections network and its appropriate planning can have a significant impact on the functioning of the company.
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