Issues Related to the Loans Action in the Opinions of the Customers and the Employees of a Commercial Bank - United Bank S.C. in Ethiopia

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Piotr Feliks Borowski
Sufa Gemechu Balcha
Mahteme Girma


The development of the economy in generał and the firms development in particular depend on easy and unlimited access to financial support. The aim of this research is to investigate the cooperation between United Bank and firms in the loans field. Moreover, research indicates that the strengths and weaknesses of the loan process come from the staff as well as from customers’ point of view. The value of the research is due to the information gained from direct access to real cases from bank activities and from conducted interviews with both sides involved in the loan process. Individual in-depth interviews and ąuestionnaire are the formal mechanisms for gathering sensitive information.


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How to Cite
Borowski, P. F., Gemechu Balcha, S., & Girma, M. (2019). Issues Related to the Loans Action in the Opinions of the Customers and the Employees of a Commercial Bank - United Bank S.C. in Ethiopia. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (27), 39–57.


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