Attribution of Profits Derived Before or After the Existence of a Permanent Establishment under Tax Treaty Law

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Tobias Hagemann


The attribution of profits to Permanent Establishments (PE) is one of the most discussed topics in international tax literature, the reason being that the attribution determines the amount of taxation in a PE state. Particular problems arise if such profits are derived before or after the existence of a PE. The article discusses the attribution of such profits under tax treaty law provided for by the OECD Model Tax Convention. In doing so, it is found that profits derived before or after the existence of a PE should be attributed to the PE because not only the wording but also the context and purpose of the OECD Model support this view. In further analysis, however, it is shown that slight changes in the attribution may be expected under the new “Authorized OECD Approach”.


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How to Cite
Hagemann, T. (2019). Attribution of Profits Derived Before or After the Existence of a Permanent Establishment under Tax Treaty Law. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (29), 195–215.


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