Categorization of drug development projects

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Magdalena Marciniak
Paweł Cabała


The aim of the article is to develop a categorization of drug development projects based on the identified determinants of project management at different stages of the drug development process. The authors assumed that the factors influencing the success of drug development project management are diverse and depend on the level of advancement of research work. The concept of Technology Readiness Levels, which is well operationalized and applied in a wide range of industrial sectors, was used as a benchmark for assessing the maturity of projects. The complex, costly and multi-stage drug discovery and development process has been referred to Technology Readiness Levels. To define the determinants of drug development project management, empirical material collected through the observation of 140 meetings of teams implementing a total of 7 projects with different levels of development work was used. The presented research results can be used for the stratification of drug development projects, which – thanks to the use of appropriately selected project management methods – will enable better organization of the work of R&D centers in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.


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How to Cite
Marciniak, M., & Cabała, P. (2025). Categorization of drug development projects. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (52), 29–43.


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