Financial crises and the perils for the world economy

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Savvas Zachariadis


In this paper, we wish to address the issue of financial crises. We focus on the causes and implications for the world economy and financial stability. For this reason, we attempt to identify the relative phenomena that encourage the emergence of financial crises. The amplification of the financial sector at the international level and the high degree of financial integration render the debate of financial crises solemnly significant. The world economy has become unstable and vulnerable to the emer- gence of unanticipated financial events. Such events are not simply limited to a large bank default but also to the inability of a multinational firm or an agent to validate their debts. Thus, we mainly emphasize the insights of Hyman Minsky into the global financial crisis, who suggested that the flaws of the current dominant financial status would eventually entail instability and probably lead to crises with contagion effects at the international level. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to indi- cate that the perils of financial crises for the global economy must be perceptible and considerable ex ante in order to be successfully confronted.


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Zachariadis, S. . (2020). Financial crises and the perils for the world economy. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (40), 43–56.


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