Strategic management approaches in the evolution of cinema chains

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Dawid Pytel
Justyna Bugaj


This article delves into the critical role of strategic management in the context of cinema chains, aiming to identify the key strategic elements that influence their development and operation. It addresses two primary research questions: “What are the main strategic elements that impact the development of cinema chains?” and “How do strategic management components such as market positioning, innovation, strategic planning, analysis, formulation, and implementation assist cinema chains in navigating market challenges, including the shift to digital content distribution?” This study contributes meaningfully to the discourse on strategic management within the entertainment sector, offering practical insights for decision-makers in cinema chains. The research involved a comprehensive literature review, utilizing renowned academic sources such as Scopus, EBSCO, and JSTOR, covering publications from 1990 to 2022. This approach aimed to dissect the complex layers of strategic management in the cinema industry, shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities within this segment of the entertainment market. Our research highlights a notable gap in the existing literature concerning strategic management practices specifically within the realm of cinema chains. This deficiency points to a need for more focused research in this area. Based on our findings, it is recommended that cinema chains prioritize the adoption of technological innovations and diversify their revenue streams to remain competitive. Strategic adaptability, informed by continuous monitoring of internal and external factors, is essential for sustainable growth in the rapidly evolving film industry. The findings of this study could significantly enrich the academic dialogue and offer pragmatic advice for industry practitioners. The identified gap in the literature underscores the urgency of initiating primary research, such as surveys, interviews, or case studies, in the field of cinema chain management. Such research promises to deepen the empirical understanding of strategic management practices and provide actionable guidance for industry stakeholders.


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Jak cytować
Pytel, D., & Bugaj, J. (2025). Strategic management approaches in the evolution of cinema chains. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (52), 9–28.


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