Strategic information and its systemic processing in the space of current scientific discourse
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Strategic information is a concept that has been known in management for a long time, but new ideas are constantly being born in the context of its systemic processing. In the following study, the thesis was adopted that the context of current conditions in the environment determines challenges in the field of systemic processing of strategic information. So what is the subject of scientific inquiry today and can any primary areas be identified? The aim of the article is to establish a general framework of the current scientific discourse on strategic information and its systemic processing based on a review of the latest scientific publications and the identification of key threads. In the research part, the method of systematic review of the literature on the subject using the resources of the EBSCO database was used. In the next step, the method of determining nomothetic binary oppositions was used. Such oppositions appear in a set of concepts that synthetically capture the content of individual texts. The procedure used showed that the current leading issues are related to: identifying strategic information resources in previously ignored areas of reality; revealing strategic potential through new information resources; modifying the scope and parameters of information considered strategic; changing the rules of the market game based on the innovative use of information revealing strategic importance.
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