Dear Reader,
We present you with the 48th edition of the Journal of Management and Financial Sciences.
The authors of the first article Łukasz Marecki and Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska in their study investigate the relationship between bank size and the institution‘s stability. In their opinion, government regulators and anyone else‘s ability to keep an eye on the entire financial system is jeopardized when large portions of it are left largely unregulated.
The purpose of the next article by Sławomir Winch is to demonstrate what functions responsible management serves in the eyes of representatives of Polish enterprises. Quantitative research based on a standardized questionnaire was conducted based on representative samples of Polish enterprises in March 2022.
The aim of the article by Mikołaj Pancewicz is to explore the poorly researched phenomenon of the use of projects as a talent development tool within talent management programmes. The author conducted a literature scoping review to examine the state of knowledge on the use of projects and project management in talent management programmes.
The next paper by Boyan Ivantchev and Madlen Ivantcheva discusses the psychological phenomenon known as the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) by elucidating its psychological
basis and definition and why and how its effects are amplified under the influence of social media and social trading media.
In the last paper Łukasz Sroka tries to use a hierarchical algorithm to reduce the number of companies in stock exchange portfolios, together with the identification of the most and least profitable groups of the companies. To prepare the research, it was decided to use a hierarchical clustering method to segment mWIG40 index entities.
We hope that the content will make a valid contribution to the development of economic thought and contribute to a deeper understanding of complex issues discussed in it. We wish you a pleasant reading.
Joanna Wielgórska-Leszczyńska,
Chairman of the Scientific Council and Dean of the Faculty
Michał Matusewicz,
Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council and Vice-Dean of the Faculty

Opublikowane: 2023-12-21