Koniunktura w przemyśle : marzec 2018 Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Konrad Walczyk


In March, 2018 business situation in the manufacturing industry slightly improved. The industrial confidence indicator (ICI RIED) increased by 1.3 pts to 2.5 pts. It is, however, 5.3 pts down from the respective last year figure. The yearly decline of the indicator manifests a negative impact of cyclical factors which have impaired seasonal recovery. The main positive feature of the March survey outcome is a rise in the balances of total and export orders. However, production and employment decreased, finished goods inventories grew, and financial situation of manufacturing firms worsened. The rate of growth of producer prices dropped. Firms are modestly optimistic about their short-term business prospects. Due to positive seasonal factors business situation is expected to continue improving over the next months but at a lower rate than last year.(original abstract)

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How to Cite
Adamowicz, E., & Walczyk, K. (2018). Koniunktura w przemyśle : marzec 2018: Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Business Survey, (354), 1–26. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KwP/article/view/3242

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