Koniunktura w rolnictwie : I kwartał 2016 Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Konrad Walczyk
Piotr Szajner


In the 1st quarter of 2016 economic situation of Polish farms deteriorated. The IRG SGH agricultural indicator (IRGAGR) decreased by 4.4 points, from -10.8 pts to -15.2 pts. This was due to a decline in money income, greater than expected. The smoothed money income indicator, one of the two components of the agricultural indicator, fell by 7.5 pts, from -13.7 pts to -21.2 pts. The confidence indicator, the second component of IRGAGR, grew by 1.9 pts. Hence, despite the decrease in money income farmers' sentiments are on the rise. The increasing confidence indicator lifted up the general indicator. If the former had not changed (in comparison with the Q4 2015 figure), the latter would have been lower by 0.6 pts. (fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Adamowicz, E., Walczyk, K., & Szajner, P. (2016). Koniunktura w rolnictwie : I kwartał 2016: Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Business Survey in Agriculture, (110), 1–53. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KwR/article/view/3323