Koniunktura w rolnictwie : III kwartał 2016 Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH

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Konrad Walczyk
Piotr Szajner


In July 2016 economic situation of Polish farms continued improving. The IRG SGH agricultural indicator (IRGAGR) increased by 7.0 points, from -14.0 pts to -7.0 pts. Again, it is above the long-run average which accounts to -11.4 pts. The rise in the indicator was due to increases in the smoothed money income indicator (by 9.1 pts, from -19.2 to -10.1 pts) and the confidence indicator (by 2.7 pts, from -3.5 to -0.8 pts). Economic situation improved in all groups of farms except for those propagating plants. The indicator increased the highest for the smallest farms (by 10.9 pts), located in Western Macroregion (by 10.8 pts), growing non-perennial crops (by 10.0 pts), managed by young farmers (by 10.0 pts), and primarily educated (by 8.7 pts). (fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Walczyk, K., & Szajner, P. (2016). Koniunktura w rolnictwie : III kwartał 2016: Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Business Survey in Agriculture, (112), 1–49. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KwR/article/view/3325