Is There a Room for Functional Flexibility in Organizations Operating on the Self-Organization Basis?

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Anna Biłyk


Search for the answer to the question about the practical ways of modern organizations management and the emergence of new management systems became the reasons for discussing the self-organization issues in the context of organizational flexibility and job creation. Due to the increasing number of jobs related to self-organization and circular organizing, the article aimed at answering the question of what the possibilities are in applying functional flexibility in self-organization. The literature and data collected during the qualitative study were analyzed. The results indicate that quickness and smoothness in the ability to the change amount and type of work were better when people were referring to their own roles. Technology solutions, organizational structure organized around of circles and roles purposes, together with the use of decision-making processes might be helpful in applying functional flexibility in terms of smoothness and quickness in the ability to change the amount and type of work. It seems that the company defines what is beneficial in the purpose of the organization, its circles and roles.

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How to Cite
Biłyk, A. (2019). Is There a Room for Functional Flexibility in Organizations Operating on the Self-Organization Basis?. Organization and Management, (2 (185), 52–66. Retrieved from


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