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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • No information about authors is included in the manuscript
The Editorial Board accepts only original articles, which were not submitted in another journal or publication.

The article should be written in English in Microsoft Word.

The volume of the article should not exceed 15 standard pages of the text (Times New Roman 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing, margins of 2.5 cm on each side).

The article should contain, in order:
  • Introduction – explanation of the reasons for conducting the research and specifying the question to which the answer was sought for;
  • Chapters/sections;
  • Conclusions – key results and findings;
  • References – up to 25 scientific positions;

Abstract: up to 1,000 characters, containing justification for the purposefulness of research or discussion; presentation of the research problem and goal definition of  the prepared work; description of the research methodology or a solution to the theoretical problem; synthetic presentation of results;

  • Keywords – up to 5 words;
  • JEL classification codes;
References to other works (bibliographic data) should be placed in the main text, not in the footnote. 
  • J.B. McGuire believes that enterprises have both economic and legal responsibilities as well as obligations towards society [Wachowiak, 2013: 78];
  • “Niewątpliwie wiedza jest kluczowym zasobem współczesnej organizacji” [Wachowiak, Gregorczyk, 2018];
  • Urbaniak M. [2018a; 2018b];
  • “How top managers construct the meaning of sustainable human resource management (HRM)” [Järlström et al., 2018].
References should be arranged in alphabetical order and prepared in accordance with the principles illustrated in the examples below. Titles of books and journals ought to be written in italics. 
  • Dworzecki Z., Jarosiński M. (eds.) [2014], Within and beyond boundaries of management, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw.
  • Gregorczyk S. [2014], Business models of Polish enterprises during the economic crisis, Journal of Management and Financial Sciences 18(4): 63–89.
  • Järlström M., Saru E., Vanhala S. [2018], Sustainable human resource management with salience of stakeholders: A top management perspective, Journal of Business Ethics 152: 703–724.
  • Skowronek-Mielczarek A. [2013], Innovations in resources management of enterprises, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw.
  • Sopińska A., Wachowiak P. [2016], Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw działających w Polsce, Przegląd Organizacji 5: 17–23.
  • Trocki M. [2016], Designing project organization, in: Trocki M., Bukłaha E. (eds.), Project management – challenges and research results, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw.
  • Urbaniak M. [2018a], The role of process improvements tools in building relationship between suppliers and industrial clients, in: Studzieniecki T., Kozina M., Alilovic D.S. (eds.), Economic and social development. 33rd International scientific conference on economic and social development – "Managerial Issues in Modern Business", Warsaw, 26-27 September: 127–134.
  • Urbaniak M. [2018b], The role of the requirements of quality, environmental and safety management systems in the relationship with suppliers, in: Urbaniak M. (ed.), Book of proceedings ICoM 2018 8th International conference on management "Leadership, Innovativeness and Entrepreneurship in a Sustainable Economy”, Wydawnictwo Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa.
  • Wachowiak P. [2013], Wrażliwość społeczna przedsiębiorstwa: Analiza i pomiar, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw.

The Journal is printed in black and white (with the shades of gray) – it is not allowed to use other colors in the charts.

Figures and tables should be prepared in graphic programs such as CorelDraw, Illustrator, Excel or Word, in a vector form with the possibility of applying corrections, preserving the shades of gray.

Mathematical formulas, tables, figures and graphs should have continuous numbering throughout the entire text.

Table formatting should be limited to the minimum necessary.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and adjust the text, change the title and to editorial corrections, in accordance with the requirements of the journal.

Preparation of the article in accordance with the above requirements is a condition for submitting it for review.

The Editorial Board does not return submitted papers and electronic media.

The Editorial Board does not return submitted papers and electronic media. The papers published in the Organization and Management are protected by copyright. The text may be reprinted only with consent of Editorial Board.