Determinants and conditions of the personnel function which shape a sense of professional satisfaction - a comparative analysis

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Agata Borowska-Pietrzak


This article describes the comparative analysis of employee satisfaction level in the context of selected HRM determinants in various types of organizations and industries. The assumption was made that the objective attributes of the sense of professional satisfaction (in the form of variables shaping the nominal quality of the personnel function) influence the perception of the subjective feeling of job satisfaction. On that basis, the following research problems were posed – does the potential high quality of the personnel function translate into a high sense of employee satisfaction? Therefore, the main cognitive objective of the adopted research was an attempt to identify the occurrence of the potential impact of selected determinants of the quality of the personnel function on the results and distributions of the obtained indicators of job satisfaction. The basic conclusion from the research is the statement that the high quality level of the modern personnel function determines the increase of the sense of professional satisfaction, however the sources of this satisfaction (subjective attributes) are quite diverse and do not depend directly on the impact of HRM quality in the organization.

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How to Cite
Borowska-Pietrzak, A. . (2019). Determinants and conditions of the personnel function which shape a sense of professional satisfaction - a comparative analysis. Organization and Management, (3 (186), 25–38. Retrieved from


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