Characteristics and Instruments of the Organizational Communication Systems in the Context of Cooperative relationship

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Michał Chomicki


The aim of this paper is to indicate a relationship between the organizational communication system of Polish companies and the beneficialness of the shape of the cooperative relations between these companies and particular kinds of cooperators. The theoretical part of this article was devoted to identification of the role of cooperative relations in the contemporary economic environment and a brief description of the concept of organizational communication system, including its influence on cooperation between companies. The empirical part of this paper was devoted to description of the conducted research and its results. The survey used the respondents' indications of prevailing characteristics of the organizational communication system and its instruments used in the organization and the indication of the beneficialness of the shape of the cooperative relationships with suppliers, customers and co-opetitors (competitors in the framework of coopetitive relations). The chi-squared tests for independence were used to demonstrate dependencies. In conclusion, it turned out that there are characteristics that describe firms with beneficially shaped relationships and instruments that are used or avoided by them.

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How to Cite
Chomicki, M. (2019). Characteristics and Instruments of the Organizational Communication Systems in the Context of Cooperative relationship. Organization and Management, (1(184), 33–46. Retrieved from


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