Flexibility And Efficiency In The Applied Management Style On The Example Of Managers In The Banking Sector Abstract

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Katarzyna Magdalena Rozbejko


Each organization needs managers who will efficiently manage their employees. Efficiency is a condition necessary to achieve a competitive advantage. An efficient manager can adjust his management style to the existing situation and the environment. The manager must think first of all about what needs to be done so that the organization can meet the current and future needs of the changing market. The aim of this article is to analyze the flexible selection of the management style by managers and to connect it with efficiency in the applied management style. On the basis of qualitative research conducted among 188 managers, the author positively verifies the hypotheses which assume that firstly, managers in the banking sector are characterized by flexibility in applying the management style and secondly, the greater the flexibility in using management styles, the higher the subjective assessment of the efficiency of managing people. Nevertheless, both variables (flexibility and efficiency) are at a high level, which may be due to the specifics of the sector under study.

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How to Cite
Rozbejko, K. M. (2019). Flexibility And Efficiency In The Applied Management Style On The Example Of Managers In The Banking Sector Abstract. Organization and Management, (4 (187), 71–84. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/OiK/article/view/1475


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