Koncepcja zarządzania strategicznego a zarządzanie w regionie

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Danuta Makulska


Following economic transformation in 1989 the process of seeking new, more efficient methods of territorial units was initiated. It was based on the concept of corporate management and strategic planning. The application of such methods was in conformity to the European Union standards. Strategic planning derived from strategic management was commonly used within companies. Thus, it was possible to be applied in terms of a region with corporate characteristics to be found in territorial units. The XX century witnessed a boom in management theory, which was linked to setting up large corporations. The theory was successful as such and in terms of practical functioning of manufacturing entities. Within the management theory it is the school of strategic thinking of "resources, abilities and learning" that would be adapted to the needs of regional policy. It highlights limitations to resources, specific external environment and a set of targets to be reached. Within the development process of the management theory some rules were developed that are perceived as general guidelines for all efficient strategy that should be in line with a mission and strategic vision determining the main direction. Afterwards it is objectives reflecting needs that are defined. Strategic planning addresses the question of where we are heading, what we want to achieve and how as well when we intend to accomplish our tasks. Thanks to pursuing the strategic planning we are able to better utilize endogenous development factors and define necessary steps to reach critical targets. (original abstract)

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