Wahania koniuktury w Polsce i strefie euro

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Sławomir Dudek
Dawid Pachucki
Konrad Walczyk


A comparative analysis of business cycle in Poland and in the Euro-zone countries within 1995-2008 is the objective of the paper. The analysis makes use of both quantitative and qualitative data. The following macroeconomic variables have been applied to describe the dynamics of cyclical fluctuations: GDP, indexes of business situation in manufacturing industry and households, general indicator of economic sentiment and the degree of utilizing production capacity (qualitative data obtained in business situation research through test method). After retrieving a cyclical factor with the use of the Christiano-Fitzgerald filter, an analysis of dependence of the retrieved cyclical components - for all the variables covered by the research - between Poland and individual countries of the Euro-zone and the Euro-zone as a whole has been carried out. Within the period of the research in Poland's economy 4 short cycles have been distinguished, lasting from 2.5 to 4 years each. It has been stated that cyclical fluctuations in Poland are of preceding nature in relation to the Euro-zone fluctuations. Furthermore, a significant similarity in the course of business situation cycle in Poland and the Euro-zone has been observed as well. The largest unanimity in the course of cyclical fluctuations has been recorded in case of qualitative variables, notably regarding business situation indicator in manufacturing industry. The analysis conducted has also provided that the behaviour of Polish households is different than in the countries of the Euro-zone. (original abstract)

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