Polityka rozwoju regionalnego Polski w warunkach integracji europejskiej

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Jacek Szlachta


The past, the present and the future of regional policy as an important element of state intervention in terms of both a country and a region has been in a spotlight of the paper. The introductory part includes major assumptions of the analysis conducted. The part entitled "Pre-accession experience of regional policy in Poland" discuss the evolution of the policy, starting with lack of intervention through gradual change in the situation resulting from the Phare programme priorities and two successive pre-accession programmes of the European Union as well as proving the importance of the state territorial reform of 1998. The third part presents the Union's conditions for the Polish regional policy that have become especially important for Poland's joining the Community. The recent changes to the policy within the Community have been described, i.a. the Lisbon Strategy significance. The fourth part discuss Poland's regional policy after the accession, dividing the analysis into two stages, the years of 2004-2006 and 2007-1013. Against this background critical characteristics of the current model has been presented. The last part focuses on the directions of an indispensable reform regional policy in our country after 2013 that determine dynamic socio-economic growth. (original abstract)

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