Polityka konsumencka - źródła, pojęcie i narzędzia

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Maria Lisowska


The research paper presents the rudiments of consumer policy, i.e. imperfectness of competition, asymmetry of information, the occurance of transation costs and inequality of consumer agreements parties as well as weaknesses of taking decisions by consumers alone. Still another argument in favour of conducting consumer policy are fast changes in consumer markets resulting from deregulation and globalisation. The changes provide consumers with a possibility of wider choice, although -at the same time- they pose a larger risk to consumers. Disloyal trading practices that make use of restraints on consumer decisions are one more argument favouring the consumer policy. The paper also includes a review of consumer policy tools used in OECD countries and methods of their adjustment to specific social and economic conditions in which they are to be applied. The paper also presents a multi-stage process of making decisions concerning reacting to problems emerging in consumer goods markets. (original abstract)

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