Developing Pro-Innovation Policy in Polish Economy

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Danuta Makulska


Nowadays innovations are one of the most significant development factors. New solutions concern knowledge, technology and organisational systems. Technological advancement is linked to spending on research and development as well as enhancing the quality of workforce. Innovation is widely understood as an information process based on and using contemporary knowledge. With the time passing the definition of innovation has been extended comprising a process of developing a product concept until the product launch. Innovations may emerge in an evolutionary way as a result of gradual changes. They might also result from the conducted scientific and research activity, or might be a reaction to market demand. Innovations are state-supported and comply with the strategy of economic development and enhancement in competitiveness. Pro-innovation policy is aimed at developing infrastructure triggering technological progress and making practical use of new solutions. Such a policy is conducted both on central and regional level. Innovations are also a focal point of the European Union's consideration. Pro-innovation policy conforms to the guidelines of knowledge-based economy. (original abstract)

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