Wahania cykliczne w Polsce i strefie euro

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Sławomir Dudek
Dawid Pachucki
Konrad Walczyk


The paper discusses the results of the research on business cycles in selected EU economies. Cyclical fluctuations of GDP were found to be simultaneously accompanied by cyclical fluctuations in a number of sectors. The highest correlation (with GDP) were noted for investments, industrial production, retails trade and private cinsumption and the lowest for confidence indicators in the manufacturing industry and retail trade. On the other hand, coherence, which is the measure of spectral correlation, were found the highest for investments, industrial production and retail sales and the lowest for the retail confidence indicator and the economic sentiments index. Furthemore, we found high and increasing synchronicity of business cycles around the European Union. This was confirmed by both statistical analysis and main morphological features of cyclical fluctuations. Any differences between particular economies are probably due to structural divergence and varied robustness to exogenous shocks. We also found that, on the whole, BTS indicators were leading upturns and downturns of business activity. (original abstract)

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Elżbieta Adamowicz, Sławomir Dudek, Dawid Pachucki, Konrad Walczyk, Synchronizacja cyklu koniunkturalnego polskiej gospodarki z krajami strefy euro w kontekście struktury tych gospodarek, raport z projektu nr 6E, na zlecenie BISE NBP, Warszawa 2008 (czerwiec); opubl. w: Raport na temat pełnego uczestnictwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w trzecim etapie Unii Gospodarczej i walutowej. Projekty badawcze, część I, Narodowy Bank Polski, Warszawa 2008, s. 8-224

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